On 25 April 2012 06:03, Sergey Ezhov <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> There is a set of examples where people approached more responsibly to
> documentation creation, for example: http://www.yiiframework.com,
> http://kohanaframework.org, http://framework.zend.com/

There is an Agile methodology argument that documentation should be
written by those that need it. Perhaps you could pair with a developer
and help to contribute, as you have very clear ideas of what would be

> I suppose, they reflected on convenience of use of tools to developers.

>From my own experience, I find that I can't necessarily write the
clearest documentation for the code I write; just like I can't do UI
design, colour-palette mixing, or a host of other associated skills.
The skill of being able to write good documentation isn't always going
to overlap with being able to write good code - so maybe the lack of
good docs is more down to a lack of people who are able to write the
docs contributing, rather than any malicious intent of the core

As and aside; if you compare the Rails core to lots of other
frameworks (particularly some of those written in PHP that you cite)
the source is a *lot* more "self documenting" when it's written well
in Ruby. And it's a million times better than *badly* written PHP. So
given the choice, I'd rather have good code with sparse docs, than
poor code with good docs.


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