Robert Walker wrote in post #1058190:
> If every method, of
> every class, were fully documented by the team building Rails then
> nothing would ever get done.

This is the perenail excuse - It's too big, so we just won't bother.

I have been learning for a while now, and my journey started with Ruby. 
I am reading that RoR is falling out of fashion. I think the reason for 
that is all the problems + lack of proper documentation. Possibly also 
the meandering development, which seems to follow no logic.

STOP! Stop adding bits on and go back and tidy up the mess.

R/RoR is a disaster as compared to other programming languages, and 
unless it gets things (a) working and (b) documented, it will fall to 
the next big thing (node?).

All those screencasts I watched with machines that were already set up 
with 123 steps done, so they didn't splutter errors every step of the 
way, which is the ACTUAL experience that anyone new to R/RoR will have.

I say this at the end of a day spent yet again fighting RoR. The asnwers 
I needed I found in some obscure forum, "oh error 6571, yeah that one! 
Yeah well you do these 10 steps, then do that, do this, bind this with 
that, run bundler, edit the config.yml with the string you get at such 
and such's blog..." etc etc.

It's a total mess. If the community wants to be taken in any way 
seriously they should stop all development, fix it, document it and get 
it installing and (within reason) able to be used in production. For me 
it has been nothing but one bloody problem over another since I started 
on this 3 months ago. C++ was much, much easier (15 years ago). Your 
community is a fragmented mess too frankly.

Sorry, just had to get it out - Sergie just confirmed what I have been 
trying to lie to myself about.

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