Colin Law writes:
 > On 19 September 2014 04:54, Rohan Sarker <> wrote:
 > > Unfortunately I need to start Web Server in Windows 7. Please let me know 
 > > if
 > > you have any solution for Windows 7.
 > No, I have no solution for that, whether you will find a solution I do
 > not know.  Very few Rails servers run on Windows.  I suggest that you
 > tell whoever is instructing you that you must do this to think again.

I've joked with people sometimes that the preferred deployment
strategy for Rails on Windows is a VM running Linux, but depending on
local politics, it may actually be worth considering.  (Running a
database this way has significant performance penalties, as the
virtualization layer can make a hash of the DB's attempts to optimize
physical I/O, but even that may not matter for light or moderate


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