Well, it would be nice to do in one step what I thought required four!  So 
let me try...

1.    Add another attribute *toys.size* to the schema (this looks different 
from the previous step 1 only because I have replaced my SQLite DB with a 
PostgreSQL one, named *sunward_x*:
[sunward@web324 x]$ rails dbconsole
psql (9.1.15)
SSL connection (cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits: 256)
sunward_x=> \d toys
                            Table "public.toys"
 Column |       Type        |                   Modifiers
 id     | bigint            | not null default nextval('toy_seq'::regclass)
 name   | character varying |
 color  | character varying |
 price  | money             |
sunward_x=> ALTER TABLE toys ADD size INTEGER;
sunward_x=> \d toys
                            Table "public.toys"
 Column |       Type        |                   Modifiers
 id     | bigint            | not null default nextval('toy_seq'::regclass)
 name   | character varying |
 color  | character varying |
 price  | money             |
 size   | integer           |

If step 1 is all that's needed, I should be able to bring up any *toys *page 
an see the new *size *column, right?  But I don't:

As far as I can tell, at this point the app does indeed seem to be 
oblivious to the change in the DB schema.  If so, certainly *something *more 
needs to be done to update the app.

Perhaps I can go right ahead to my old step 4, which is to run *scaffold, 
updating schema.rb (old step 2) or running *schema_to_scaffold* (old step 
3).  Perhaps, as you say, "Rails WILL READ THE SCHEMA FROM THE DATABASE" 
and gen everything up if I just do this.

[sunward@web324 x]$ rails generate scaffold Toy  --no-migration

Well, no.  What it has done is to gen up a *Toys *model (and supporting 
views) with no columns at all:

Maybe step 2 is necessary to do before step 4, still skipping step 3?
[sunward@web324 x]$ rake db:schema:dump
[sunward@web324 x]$ rails generate scaffold Toy  --no-migration

That does, of course, add the new column to *schema.rb.*  But the *scaffold 
*generator still puts out model objects that are devoid of columns; the *toys 
*web page looks just like it did before.

Of course, I can omit step 3, because all *schema_to_scaffold *does is 
"READ THE SCHEMA FROM THE DATABASE" and put out a suitable command for 
invoking *scaffold.  *But without it, I have to read the database schema 
myself and manually type the list of columns into the *scaffold* command.  
Not sure what's easier about that.

So, if there really is a simpler process for doing this, I guess I need you 
to spell it out for me.

Hmm...  Maybe this statement from you is a clue to where we have 
miscommunicated: "You can manage your database schema using Rails & 
migrations, or you can manage it completely outside of Rails. Either option 
is pretty easy, while a mishmash combination of the two is not so easy."  
This whole thread is not about *"managing my database schema"* - as stated 
in the original post, I intend to create and make all changes to my DB 
schema entirely outside of Rails.  Given that intention, this post is about 
the Rails objects that work with the database schema*, and using Rails 
generators and other tools to automate that process as much as is 
possible.  If you have any ideas for how to do that faster/better/easier 
than the procedures that I have cobbled together so far thru 
trial-and-error and the hints provided in this thread, I would be grateful 
to hear them.  

~ Tx, Ken

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