> and Rimuhosting after reading other threads in this forum.  (If anyone
> thinks other VPS is way better, I'd like to hear about it!)

I've never heard of rimuhosting before, the one people ask about on  
the slicehost irc channel a lot is linode.  So if you don't want to  
make a decision quite yet, add them to the consideration...

I've never used anyone but slicehost and they have been great.

> Here are my questions.
> (1) What are your more recent experiences with these two hosting
> companies, support-wise?  (Were they helpful when you needed
> installation/configuration help?  How was the response time?)

I've been with SH for a year or so.. emailed them some sales questions  
friday night about 7pm PST and had a response in about an hour -- keep  
in mind this was to *sales* not tech support.  In that year I've never  
needed their support.  And my slice has always been up.  I've noticed  
that people do need it from time to time (I hang out in their irc  
channel) and they are very responsive.  I also know that a couple of  
times folks have lost net connectivity, but who hasn't?

> (2) Which plan do you use?  (MiroVS2 from rimuhosting, 256 slices from
> slicehost ...etc.)

I have a 1024 slice and run a bunch of stuff on it (more than just a  
single site)

> (3) What's your skill level (if you don't mind)?  (developer,  
> developer
> +a bit of system admin, expert system admin..., etc.  I'm a developer
> with a bit of system admin experience by necessity.)

developer and sysadmin.  Both. Either.

> (4) How easy was it to get your rails app up and running?  How long
> did it take? Any major hiccups?

Well, with SH you get a bare bones install of one of several linux  
distros.  The rest is up to you.  So it takes a little while to  
install all the software you might want.  But you can install whatever  
you want as well so that's nice.  One thing I like is that their base  
installs are *bare*.  Just enough to get you connected via SSH.  So  
you don't have to deal with say ruby 1.8.4 and rails 1.2.6 being in  
the way...

> (5) Anything else you can think of that may help a newbie make a
> decision?

Hop on to each's irc/chat channels and see how friendly people are.   
The SH one is excellent.  Lots of help from other users...

+1 slicehost.


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