I'm sorry you've not found a VPS provider that can help you in your
learning curve. I've been amazed how helpful BlueBoxGroup - has been for me!
Even though I have only one VPS with 1 meg RAM these people treat me
as though we're partners. They answer my questions on the phone or
email IMMEDIATELY and lend a depth to their answers that has has made
me lose my fear of deployment. On this one VPS I've got three Rails
applications and three static sites.

On Jun 22, 5:27 pm, Developer In London <>
> 2009/6/22 Marnen Laibow-Koser <>
> > Developer In London wrote:
> > > I use Mosso instead of slicehost. With a bit of sysadmin skills you
> > > should
> > > be able to get your rails app up and running very quickly.
> > Good to know.  Mosso looks interesting, but I've never tried it.  FWIW,
> > I love Slicehost; never used Rimuhosting.
> I was also with slicehost. I had both slicehost and mosso at the same time
> and the servers run on the same datacentre with same subnets and even same
> default names. I cant speak for the whole Mosso company but from my
> experience they are EXACTLY same as slicehost. Most likely they inherited
> slicehost's infrastructure when they bought them.
> > [...]
> > > They own slicehost so you dont get anything
> > > different, just a slightly cheaper price.
> > Not quite true.  Certainly Mosso and Slicehost are now both owned by
> > Rackspace, but my understanding is that Mosso is cloud-based whereas
> > Slicehost is a VPS service.  Quite different.
> I saw both of them to be Xen virtual servers. Mosso has a different product
> 'Cloud Sites' which runs from full cloud. Yes they are different, but you
> cant compare an apple with a banana. Mosso's Virtual servers have zero
> difference with slicehost.
> > > I am yet to find any hosting
> > > company that provides a good reliable support, so you can forget support
> > > on
> > > whoever you go with. Reality is you are on your own and have the forums
> > > to
> > > help you.
> > Again, no.  I have used Rackspace on (non-Rails) projects for clients
> > and been *extremely* impressed by their level of support -- quick,
> > comprehensive and capable.  Slicehost had a reputation for great support
> > even before Rackspace bought them, so while I've never had to deal with
> > their support staff, I would expect their support to be excellent as
> > well.
> Again, yes. I have used rackspace myself, their 'fanatical support' is only
> covered if you sign up for the managed service. But then you cant get it on
> VPS, you have to get a full dedicated server, and then yes they will set
> things up for you if needed. From the mosso version of support, you get as
> much help as they can provide through chat or phone, but they will not login
> to your server to investigate anything. Neither will slicehost. I speak all
> of this from my own personal experience. Their knowledge of SysAdmin is
> somewhat limited, I spent hours chatting to them on the phone or chat to
> troubleshoot a problem only in the end they would give up and leave it to me
> to sort it out on my own. This has happened on numerous occassions. So I am
> sorry I DO NOT BELIEVE there is good support from ANY hosting company for
> VPS. I can do better support then them myself being a programmer.
> > You're not really on your own with support if you have a good host --
> > they won't do everything for you, but they can be very helpful.
> > Slicehost/Rackspace is definitely a good host.
> You ARE on your own if they cannot solve your problems by asking you to try
> a few standard things they have. If a problem is critical and they cant
> solve it they will leave you in blue water. I had to spend days learning
> about sysadmin to get myself upto speed to sort out my issues.
> Only way you can get around this is if you get a fully managed dedicated
> server from rackspace with fanatical support, but usually they start from
> around 50 times the price of a VPS.
> As a host all of rackspace, slicehost and mosso are good. But as I mentioned
> I dont see the point in spending $20/month for a 256mb slice with 100gb
> bandwidth when most people would only use a few gigs of bandwidth. With
> mosso's same exact package running from the same exact location same spec
> would come to around $14 or less. My maths arent that rusty yet to work out
> whats the better deal here. ;-) I moved my server to mosso instead of
> upgrading on slicehost.
> Hope this helps.
> Nayeem
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