> yeah, i've read it half a dozen times

Read *what*?  Please quote when replying so it's clear what you're 
responding to.

> - doesn't give me any insight on
> the argument list for the _path family of functions and apidock is
> less than helpful as well.

Are you talking about the routing guide?

In any case, the arguments are whatever is defined in that particular 
route.  Run rake routes or look at your routes file to see what that 
would be.

> searching through google led to some obscure blog that said i could
> do:
>   link_to 'do something', station_path(@station, :station =>
> { :attribute => :value }), :method => :put
> but why does this work and why aren't the _path functions clearly
> documented?

Because they're generated from your routes, and so will be different for 
each Rails app.  This is pretty clearly explained in the routing guide, 
as well as in the documentation for ActionController::Routing and 
ActionController::Resources .  Perhaps you should read those again.
> maybe someone who knows could point me to where these functions are
> defined in the source tree (preferably in master)?

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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