paul h wrote:
> Hi tino,
> I use Flex (don't like the Flash IDE - especially that stinking
> Timeline ) with Rails all the time - no problems. Being on Windows, I
> use InstantRails, and Aptana Studio as an editor, although I do as
> much as I can now via the command line. I looked into Aptana due to it
> being built on Eclipse the same as Flex, no other reason. I have not
> had any problems so until I do, being Pragmatic :) I'll stay as I am
> for now. 

I recommend against Aptana.  It was promising, but never really 
fulfilled that promise.  Anyway, Rails is better without an IDE.  Just 
use a good text editor (I like KomodoEdit).

> As far as not using Flash because of iPhones etc, I guess it depends
> on your target market and the application itself. Are your users going
> to want to access your services from a mobile handest? I have a mobile
> running Android (not the latest version) and it struggles to display e-
> mails from this group, and not all web pages are viewable
> (particularly from this group) - regardless of Flash content or not -
> so I wouldn't make a decision on the technology used on your full
> blown web site app based on the mobile market. Mobile Apps, not web
> sites, are the way forward in my, very humble, view.

I believe you are 98% wrong here.  With the profusion of mobile 
operating systems and browsers, it is now more important than ever to 
develop in standards-compliant HTML that will work effortlessly on all 
client devices.

Taking my own use case (which may or may not be typical), I do a heck of 
a lot of Web browsing on my iPhone.  The browser is excellent and 
capable of dealing with just about any standards-compliant HTML and JS. 
If your site requires me to download a special-purpose app, whereas your 
competitor's works flawlessly in the Web browser, which one do you think 
I'll use (hint:it won't be yours)?

> Instead of trying to develop one web site/application front end for
> all devices, why not make your main site - the one which will do all
> the attracting of customers - exactly as is required for that
> particular purpose. If you then need to provide access to services for
> the mobile market, create the relevant App for the relevant handset
> OS. 

Hell no.  There are at least 4 advanced phone operating systems one has 
to develop for if one goes this route.  Standards-compliant HTML works 

> With Rails, you can create the one Application on the server, then
> specific front end apps for each market you are targeting - each of
> which could connect with Rails.

You certainly can.  But in most cases, it's probably extra work to no 
real advantage.

Marnen Laibow-Koser
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