Xavier Noria wrote in post #977968:
> On Thursday, January 27, 2011 at 8:37 PM, Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
>> Mostly. I like choices, and I like IDEs, but I wish people would stop
>> trying to use conventional IDEs for Rails. There's really no benefit,
>> and there are lots of disadvantages.
> Why? Let people use whatever they like.

Oh, absolutely, but I try to discourage bad choices.  Using an IDE for 
Rails is IMHO a bad choice.

> And how can be no benefit, you know the ton of Rails knowledge an IDE
> like RubyMine brings on the table?

So what?  It's not worth the clunky interface.

> When I need to do a session of work on a particular Rails application I
> use RubyMine. I've been a heavy emacs user for some years, I have used
> TextMate as everybody else, but with RubyMine my productivity is clearly
> better. My productivity, not necessarily your productivity.

My job made copies of RubyMine and TextMate available to me.  I tried 
both and quickly went back to KomodoEdit.

> People should remember IDEs are not for running rake task with wizards,
> I still have the style of working with the editor and switching to the
> console all the time.

In which case, you're not using the IDE as an IDE, and you might as well 
drop it in favor of an editor.  (I used to use Aptana pretty much in the 
way you're describing.)

> But RubyMine has a lot of knowledge about Ruby on
> Rails.

Such as?  I really couldn't see any point to using it, despite all the 

(KomodoEdit does Rails-aware code completion if you install the Ruby 
plugin.  I find it nearly useless, though not completely so.)

> My combo of choice is console + heavy-aware editor for Rails. And
> heavy-aware out of the box, not after these dozen plugins and these many
> configuration lines that give you half the experience.

What configuration lines?  KomodoEdit plugins install the same way 
Firefox plugins do, and generally work right out of the box.

I see no advantage in avoiding plugins -- for one thing, a plugin 
architecture means I can stick with an IDE I like through multiple 
languages.  (I'm currently writing a Lilypond plugin for KomodoEdit for 
this very reason -- the "official" one is for jEdit, which I don't like 
as much.)

Marnen Laibow-Koser

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