Michael Pavling wrote in post #978091:
> On 27 January 2011 20:08, Marnen Laibow-Koser <li...@ruby-forum.com>
> wrote:
>> Michael Pavling wrote in post #977960:
>>> I *can* code without a debugger integrated (or indeed, at all) - but I
>>> don't want to.
>> If you were my client, and you responded "because I want it" when I
>> asked why a feature was of value to you, you wouldn't get the feature.
> Now *that's* customer service! :-)  (but poor economics [1])

It's excellent customer service.  My customers get exactly what they 
want, and do not spend money on things they don't want.

The article you linked to is a red herring in this connection.  If you 
want something, you should still be able to explain *why* you want it, 
not just "because I want it".

>> I try to discourage bad choices. Using an IDE for
>> Rails is IMHO a bad choice.
> I think you need to reconsider the difference between "discourage" and
> "deny"... denying your customers features you don't like is not the
> same as discouraging them.

It's not a question of features I don't like.  It's a question of 
features that can't be justified.  "Because I want it" is no 

>> So...have you used RDB at the command line? What do you not like about
>> it?
> Yes I have; before I started using Netbeans.... and you call IDEs
> "clunky"! :-)

Some IDEs are clunky.  Some aren't.

I'm addicted to GUI tools, but I love RDB's command-line interface. 
Editor integration would be pleasant, but I don't really notice the lack 
very strongly.

>> I was actually a little surprised when I started working
>> with Rails to find that IDEs provided no benefit -- but that *is* the
>> case.
> You often say a variation on this statement, and I never really
> understand what you mean: how can an IDE not "suit" Rails?

Excellent question.  Conventional IDEs tend to be designed with "heavy" 
languages like Java or Obj-C in mind, and it shows in the architecture. 
As I see it, the primary benefits of conventional IDEs include:
* code completion (maybe -- non-IDE editors do this too)
* code generation at a higher level of abstraction than the framework 
itself can provide
* automation of builds and other repetitive tasks
* visual GUI design
* generally making up for usability shortcomings in the development 
environment itself

As I see it, none of these features provide any significant benefit with 
* Code completion simply doesn't work well in a dynamic language like 
Ruby, particularly when you throw in Rails' heavy use of dynamic 
* Rails doesn't rely on generated code in the sense that Java frameworks 
do.  It does have generator scripts, but those are meant to be run once 
and the results customized, unlike (say) Struts where there are several 
sets of generated files that must be kept in sync for each build.
* Build automation from the IDE isn't as critical in Rails either. 
Rails isn't compiled and doesn't have a complex build process, and 
anyway, there's Rake, which unlike (say) Ant has build scripts that 
humans can actually write. :)
* Visual GUI design? Rails' GUI is HTML.  Any Web developer who 
primarily uses a visual HTML tool deserves what he gets.
* As for making up for shortcomings...well...Rails has its share, of 
course.  But the framework was designed for ease of developer use 
without an IDE, and it shows.  What shortcomings Rails has (from this 
perspective) don't seem to be fixable by the current crop of IDEs.

So...Rails has no use for the big wins of IDEs.  IDEs such as NetBeans 
are huge, resource-intensive programs.  They cripple developers by 
encouraging dependence on them.  They do not, as far as I can see, offer 
any advantage at all for Rails development.  Why use them?

I'll turn the question around: what do you get out of using an IDE for 
Rails, in terms of features that a decent editor wouldn't provide?

> It would help me if instead of saying "Don't use IDEs or you're all
> cripples", you explained how you work front-to-end to highlight how
> features of IDEs [2] don't give you any productivity benefit, while
> using an IDE would hamper you.

See above. :)  I use KomodoEdit (a good project-aware editor) with Ruby 
and Haml syntax highlighting modules, along with GitX and 6 consoles 
open in iTerm.  One runs script/server, one runs autotest, and the rest 
are available for random command-line tasks.

> [2] For me it's the debugger and source control integration that boost
> my productivity (even while having to wait for the rest of the bloated
> app to limp along with me :-)  They're pretty much the only things I
> want [3] in addition to the syntax highlighting that every beefy text
> editor offers.

NetBeans' Git plugin is fantastic.  I just don't see it as fantastic 
enough to saddle myself with the rest of the IDE.

BTW, even if NB is officially dumping Rails, couldn't you still use its 
Ruby support?  And don't you think someone is likely to take up 
maintenance of the Rails tools?

> [3] "want" again, not "need". I want a black car over a pink one, I
> don't *need* a black car ;-)

But you can explain how black adds value for you -- "I find pink ugly", 
"I live in a cold climate and so I want a color that absorbs heat", 

Marnen Laibow-Koser

Sent from my iPhone

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