On 27 January 2011 20:08, Marnen Laibow-Koser <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Michael Pavling wrote in post #977960:
>> I *can* code without a debugger integrated (or indeed, at all) - but I
>> don't want to.
> If you were my client, and you responded "because I want it" when I
> asked why a feature was of value to you, you wouldn't get the feature.

Now *that's* customer service! :-)  (but poor economics [1])

> I try to discourage bad choices.  Using an IDE for
> Rails is IMHO a bad choice.

I think you need to reconsider the difference between "discourage" and
"deny"... denying your customers features you don't like is not the
same as discouraging them.

> So...have you used RDB at the command line?  What do you not like about
> it?

Yes I have; before I started using Netbeans.... and you call IDEs "clunky"! :-)

> I was actually a little surprised when I started working
> with Rails to find that IDEs provided no benefit -- but that *is* the
> case.

You often say a variation on this statement, and I never really
understand what you mean: how can an IDE not "suit" Rails?
It would help me if instead of saying "Don't use IDEs or you're all
cripples", you explained how you work front-to-end to highlight how
features of IDEs [2] don't give you any productivity benefit, while
using an IDE would hamper you.

[1] http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=wants+vs+needs

[2] For me it's the debugger and source control integration that boost
my productivity (even while having to wait for the rest of the bloated
app to limp along with me :-)  They're pretty much the only things I
want [3] in addition to the syntax highlighting that every beefy text
editor offers.

[3] "want" again, not "need". I want a black car over a pink one, I
don't *need* a black car ;-)

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