On 28 January 2011 15:14, Marnen Laibow-Koser <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
>>> If you were my client, and you responded "because I want it" when I
>>> asked why a feature was of value to you, you wouldn't get the feature.
>> Now *that's* customer service! :-)  (but poor economics [1])
> It's excellent customer service.  My customers get exactly what they
> want, and do not spend money on things they don't want.

Again, I think you're confusing needs and wants (and blurring it more
with your interpretation of what they need). They can hardly "get what
they *want*" if you also decide that they "wouldn't get the feature".
Either way, it's academic, as how you manage your customer relations
is up to you (but if they *really want* those features that you and I
both know are pointless... if you don't want to do it, send them my
way and I'll give them a quote for the work ;-)

> The article you linked to is a red herring in this connection.  If you
> want something, you should still be able to explain *why* you want it,
> not just "because I want it".

Getting into psychology now... sometimes people *can't* justify their
wants (or they just like something more for no particular reason).

>> You often say a variation on this statement, and I never really
>> understand what you mean: how can an IDE not "suit" Rails?
> <snip interesting answer>

Interesting.. but largely personal preference [1]... what you see as
"the primary benefits of conventional IDEs" is probably different to
what others may list. Or maybe the using the term "IDE" is a red
herring (as it may not mean the same to everyone), and really what I
mean when I say IDE is "the editing software I use to write my apps".
(to me, any software with features more then editing and saving
plain-text files is starting on the road to IDE... some just
"integrate" more features than others)

> I'll turn the question around: what do you get out of using an IDE for
> Rails, in terms of features that a decent editor wouldn't provide?

I've already said - I want VCS and debugging integration.

> NetBeans' Git plugin is fantastic.  I just don't see it as fantastic
> enough to saddle myself with the rest of the IDE.

Whereas I think that the Mercurial plugin *is* fantastic enough to
saddle myself with the rest of it... personal preference again!

> BTW, even if NB is officially dumping Rails, couldn't you still use its
> Ruby support?  And don't you think someone is likely to take up
> maintenance of the Rails tools?

Probably, and probably. To a large degree, I don't really use the
"Rails" features anyway. It just seems disappointing to be at the end
of life for a product that's been getting better and better. To know
it is never likely to get better still was just a spur to me to look
around again (after using Netbeans for a couple of years, I've been
using Rubymine for the last three days, and have some observations
that I shall post separately)

[1]  I think we should all agree that we will *always* _know_ for
certain that the choice we made for ourselves is the best.

We should also know we'll *never* convince someone that made a
different choice that we are right and that our choice is better for
them than their choice.

I refer to this Dilbert cartoon:


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