-- -- wrote in post #1024089:
> Hello Everyone,
> first off - I'm NOT a programmer. I know HTML/CSS very well and PHP
> quite well, yet not I'm in need of a more "active" language and I've
> decided to go with Ruby.

How can you not be a programmer and know PHP quite well? That's a 
contradiction. PHP is a programming language. If you know it then YES 
you are a programmer.

> Thing is, I've been able to find ton of tutorials, but NOT ONE answers
> the most basic question - what exactly do I have to upload to the server
> to simply get a (any) response from Ruby (through a browser, using a
> regular shared webhosting).

Answer, you technically don't have to upload anything to any server to 
get a Rails application to respond to a request through a web browser.

Try this once you have Rails properly installed. (Doesn't actually have 
to be Rails, you could do the same thing with Sinatra, or whatever Ruby 
based web framework you choose, but I'll show Rails here):

gem install rails
rails new my_app
cd my_app
rails g[enerate] controller greetings index
vim app/views/greetings/index.html.erb
Delete all lines and add the following to the file
<p>Hello World</p>
:wq (to save file using vim)

rails s[erver]

Open web browser to:

If your Ruby on Rails environment is setup correctly you should see 
"Hello World" in the web browser widow.

> The closest "answer" I could find was that unlike HTML/PHP, Ruby needs a
> specific file structure (controllers, models, views) but still - neither

You are confusing a programming language with a web framework. PHP is a 
programming language just like Ruby. Rails is a web framework with it's 
own structure, like CakePHP, and the many other web frameworks written 
in PHP with their own structures.

> of the 30+ tutorials I've browsed through tells me:
> - How many files exactly do I require for a simple "Hello World!"?
> - What extensions should these files have?
> - Where to put which files?
> - What the hell should these files contain?

You're obviously looking in all the wrong places for information on how 
to get started with Rails. Try starting here:


> Now, I can "play" with Ruby via the command line locally and I can just
> create an .rb file and run it from there, but that's not the point, I
> want it to show online via a browser and as ridiculous as it sounds - I
> don't know how to do that?

Read my response above.

> Add. infos:
> - I'm trying to run it on a cheap shared web-hosting (Linux server).
> - Ruby on Rails + gems are installed there, can access them via the
> cPanel.
> - I've created a test-app through the cPanel - with success.
> - I've created a rewrite
> - I can access the subdomain via my browser and I'll see the "Welcome
> aboard" start page.

The most "drop dead simply" way to deploy Rails to a public web server 
is at Heroku:


Pricing begins at $0.00/month.

> What now?
> I just can't continue to learn the language via simple out-of-context
> examples via the command line while I have no idea where to upload which
> files to make it really function on-line :(

I think I've adequately covered what you next step should be. Start 
reading the Rails Guides. They will tell you in simple terms how to get 
started and build a basic Rails app.

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