On Sep 28, 3:16 pm, -- -- <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> I watched the "Lesson 1: From zero to deploy" video from
> ruby.railstutorial.org and... where exactly does he say how to make just
> one simple "Hello world" line appear?
> I've learned things about git, Github and Heroku, but if you ask me
> where can I upload my simple one-liner manually via FTP to make it run -
> I still can't tell you :(

Perhaps this is more what you have in mind -

# the following assumes some sort of *nix shell on your
# local machine and Rails 3.1

rails new helloapp
cd helloapp
rails generate controller Pages hello
echo '<%= "Hello World!" %>' >> app/views/pages/hello.html.erb
# ftp the helloapp directory tree to your server
# prod your server as necessary so that it recognizes
#     the newly uploaded files
# point your browser at your_server/pages/hello
# bask in the glory that is Hello World!

PS - I happen to be in the process of preparing a
"getting to 'hello world' " screencast that shows this process
for Rails via Passenger on a shared Debian configuration as
provided by Dreamhost (Yet another discount hosting
company that I happen to use and know well. I have no affiliation
with Dreamhost other than being a happy customer.) If you
(or anybody else interested for that matter) want to contact
me off list, I'll be happy to let you know when it is ready for
beta viewing.

Dan Nachbar

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