Thanks, everyone. Seems I've missed "", thanks for 
the tip, I'll check it out.

As for "cheap host" - it's I'm referring to it as cheap 
because it's just $7/month for a shared hosting plan, it's not THAT bad. 
Of course I would not use this plan to run a popular high-traffic site, 
but then - IF I'd have one, then I'd start thinking about dedicated 
hosting (or rather - I'd think about it once I'd realize it's starting 
to get big).

Anyway, it's good for my current needs. Still, thanks for the tip on 
Heroku. For now, I'd rather stay away from hosts offering completely 
free service ;)

Next - yes, I'm probably confusing Ruby itself with the framework, 
thanks for clarifying.

How can I not be a programmer and know PHP? It depends on the definition 
of "being a programmer". IMO, a programmer is someone who:
1. Knows many programming languages and often uses them because... he's 
programming... a lot (probably for a living) ;)
2. Would never ask the questions I asked ;)

I, on the other hand, happen to have an idea once in a while (if fact, 
lots of them, all the time, but once in a while there's one that stick 
around "forcing" me to execute it) and the programming language is just 
a tool I need in order to make it work. It's like driving a car (me) and 
being a car mechanic (a programmer). Although the driver CAN learn about 
the car's basic mechanics and could fix some basic issues, he won't be 
able to build a car just due to the lack of knowledge (and/or interest).

When HTML wasn't functional enough I needed some (a bit) PHP. I could 
actually make my idea work just with pure PHP, but it would result in 
the most user-UNfriendly experience ever and kind of... miss the whole 
point which is supposed to be an EASY way to... achieve something (can't 
give you the details, sorry). So now I need something to make a website 
which will allow the user to:
- return the results "live" without reloading the whole page and 
communicate with the MySQL database in the process,
- drag and drop things, snap them to some positions... and again, 
communicate with the db in the process.

Would PHP allow me to do that (with a PHP framework)? PHP has a 
framework? Is framework the part that allows a webpage to be dynamic? Or 
maybe I should use Perl/Python/Java I don't really care. I've found lots 
of opinion that Ruby could do that and it's apparently quite easy/easier 
than using other languages.

Now, would you still consider me a programmer? I wouldn't ;)

OK then, off to the tutorial. Thanks again so far, let's see where it 
gets me :)

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