On 13-05-09 10:49 PM, Mikhail Zabaluev wrote:

> I agree. And if expressions are in Rust, you get the benefit of a Rust
> compiler validating them. A lambda must produce _some_ string to be
> valid; match clauses will be checked for correct type and coverage.
> Dynamically interpreted syntax engines do not usually give this benefit
> and may in fact let the translator unwittingly and quietly introduce
> runtime errors, which are less likely to be caught the farther off the
> beaten track the language is (I may be bitter at my EU-market Samsung
> TV, that has the Russian language option for the UI, but starts crashing
> randomly if you switch to it; no grudge against the Samsung folks on
> this list).

The sublanguage is non-effectful, non-stateful, non-turing-complete, and
has no functions. Evaluation time is linear and harmless if it fails: it
can just use the default (non-translated -- wrong language) format if
interpretation goes wrong.

I will reiterate why I keep objecting to "using rust code" as both the
wrong answer and an answer to the wrong question:

  - Dynamic loading of translations currently happens in the deployment
    environment. If you require rust code, you're requiring a dynamic
    load of a .so or .dll rather than reading a .po file for a string.

  - There are extensive existing toolchains, processes and communities
    who have no interest in learning to program in rust to (eg.)
    translate a web browser or consumer product.


    etc. etc.

  - The whole point of this thread is to _design_ a formatting
    mini-language. If "plain rust code" was sufficient for this,
    people would write:

        let x = do fmt::with_sfmt_writer |f| {
            f.putstr("there are ");
            f.putstr(" files in the folder");

    rather than:

        let x = fmt!("there are %d files in the folder", a);

    Yet here we are discussing that format-string mini-language.
    So all I'm saying is: given that we _are_ discussing the design
    of a held-in-a-format-string mini-language, why not make sure
    that design scales nicely to cases when a translator has to
    express the little bits of logic they often do, such as:

        "there {num_files, plural,
                one {is one file}
                other {are {num_files} files}} in the folder"

    This is relatively easy to adopt as an extension to {}-based
    format strings, whereas it's tricker with %s-based.

I think this thread keeps going repeatedly off into discussion of
problems we are not facing. We're not trying to eliminate format-string
mini-languages from rust: we're trying to design one. We're not trying
to solve all hypothetical turing-complete translation tasks: we're
trying to accommodate the level of translation-variability that normal
translators (even people writing non-translated format strings in their
home language) run into all the time when composing format strings.


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