On Sat, Jan 4, 2014 at 12:26 PM, Gaetan <gae...@xeberon.net> wrote:

> I m interessed on having your feedback on json and yaml vs toml for
> instance.
JSON is ugly and token-ridden for configuration files. Having worked with
tools that use it for this purpose, I find the configuration hard to read.
Then there's the issue of comments, which are particularly important for
configuration files. Some things have adopted JS-style comments for this
purpose, but that's technically not standard JSON.

YAML's problem is indentation errors can turn into configuration errors,
and they're incredibly tricky to spot. I've run into cases where we didn't
spot problems until we deployed to production because the "production"
section of a configuration file was misindented.

Tony Arcieri
Rust-dev mailing list

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