Hello and good night Martin!

Martin Lucina wrote in <20190326181139.slcee6llpw76o...@nodbug.lucina.net>:
 |On Tuesday, 26.03.2019 at 18:43, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
 |>|Yeah, I just got that far (using gawk).
 |>|Thanks! Now to see if I can cross-build a static binary using a musl
 |>|toolchain, so that I can update from git and rebuild on a fast ARM64 box,
 |>|then trivially just 'cp' the resulting binary to the RPi that I want \
 |>|to run
 |>|it on.
 |> I am full of shame.  
 |Not your fault. Maybe worth sticking a note in INSTALL that the Debian
 |'mawk' is broken?

Well, i have managed to install a Debian mawk locally, and could
reproduce.  I have fixed it and pushed to [stable/*] and [master],
and if you update it should just work fine.  Please report if
otherwise!  I have given you credit, too.
Thanks for reporting this issue!!

 |> computers.   Really.  I can finally do things that i never could,
 |> like creating an automatized test series over many VMs.   It has
 |> to be setup first, of course.
 |Ah yes, BTDT, setting up those kinds of systems takes forever. You might be
 |interested in a (side-)project of mine for minimalist KVM VM management
 |precisely for development and automated testing. While missing a bunch of
 |documentation since I've not had time to make it suitable for "public
 |consumption", I think you'd like the general principle:

I will surely look tomorrow, thanks.

 |> Note i have never actually used the OPT_CROSS_BUILD switch, only
 |> proofed it correct.
 |It's easier than that, as I don't need a "full" cross build, just a build
 |using a different compiler toolchain on the same architecture (ARM64). So,
 |the following works for me:
 |1. apt-get install musl-dev musl-tools # pulls in musl, plus the musl-gcc
 |wrapper which appropriates your existing gcc to build using musl
 |2. make config CC=musl-gcc EXTRA_LDFLAGS=-static

Never tried this, but cool it works!

 |3. make -jXXX build
 |This works, but obviously doesn't find any of the various dependent
 |libraries (ssl, terminfo, ...). So I'll probably have to use Docker and
 |build using an Alpine userspace, or something.

I am actually too tired to think about that or try it out myself.
Will look tomorrow!

 |Anyhow, thanks for your help so far!

No, thanks for reporting the issue, i have never heard anything
about the problems with Debian mawk.  I have encountered the words
on Dickey's website, again today, but never looked for real it
seems.  And noone ever said a word.


|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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