Good day Steffen,

On Wednesday, 27.03.2019 at 02:00, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
> Well, i have managed to install a Debian mawk locally, and could
> reproduce.  I have fixed it and pushed to [stable/*] and [master],
> and if you update it should just work fine.  Please report if
> otherwise!  I have given you credit, too.
> Thanks for reporting this issue!!

You're welcome. I can confirm that it works out of the box on Debian now
(i.e. w/o 'gawk').

>  |3. make -jXXX build
>  |
>  |This works, but obviously doesn't find any of the various dependent
>  |libraries (ssl, terminfo, ...). So I'll probably have to use Docker and
>  |build using an Alpine userspace, or something.
> I am actually too tired to think about that or try it out myself.
> Will look tomorrow!

Well, this is expected, in either case (full cross build, or a setup like
musl-gcc) you need to build any dependencies that you want to link against
using the same toolchain. But the above (musl-gcc) does at least give you a
minimal version depending only on musl.



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