On Tue, 1 Jun 2021, Steffen Nurpmeso steffen-at-sdaoden.eu |s-nail| wrote:

|S-nail v14.9.15 under Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS

Pretty old and buggy.

Sorry, it's the most recent available in the repository for this distribution.

So i just completed my registration for a free account there at
outlook.office365.com, but whatever i do i cannot get in via this
little MUA .. even with the current development version.  (I was
short before saying "set imap-auth=oauthbearer", which actually is
XOAUTH2, but that does not seem to help.)
Yes, all i get is

 s-nail: >>> SERVER: T4 NO AUTHENTICATE failed.

for IMAP

It's bad enough that I am being forced to use Outlook, I don't really want to subject you to it as well. If you could just tell me how to stop that screaming ERROR# from appearing in my prompt, that would be great.

For the record, though, I should have mentioned that I am prompted for a password after giving the s-nail command. And when I run with -vv, I see

s-nail: TLS BLAKE2s256 fingerprint: <long string of hex numbers separated by colons>
s-nail: TLS connection using TLSv1.2 / ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
s-nail: P(seudo)R(andom)N(umber)G(enerator): *TLS RAND_*
s-nail: >>> SERVER: * OK The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service is ready. [<long string of letters and numbers>]
s-nail: >>> T1 CAPABILITY
s-nail: >>> SERVER: T1 OK CAPABILITY completed.
s-nail: >>> T2 LOGIN "<account name>" "<password>"
s-nail: >>> SERVER: T2 OK LOGIN completed.
s-nail: >>> T3 SELECT "INBOX"
and so on

There is also a bunch of stuff about certificates of depths 2,1,0, but any certificates present came with the Ubuntu distribution and are nothing that I have done personally for this Outlook account.

That reminds me.  Your Alpine just "can"?

Yes, Alpine connects to it, and if it hits the same error as S-nail, it doesn't tell me about it. An Android app called K-9 Mail (a Mutt lookalike) also manages to connect. And, as I said, S-nail connects too. The initial error report isn't a serious problem, it's just messy.

Stephen Isard

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