Stephen Isard wrote in
 |On Tue, 17 Aug 2021, Steffen Nurpmeso |s-nail| wrote:
 |> I will spin up a VM this evening and try again.  I cannot remember
 |> ever seeing such a problem.
 |> You are using 14.9.21?
 |I've tried several versions, but the tests I just reported were with 
 |the 14.9.22 rpm (s-nail-14.9.22-3.el7.x86_64) on Scientific Linux 7 
 |(clone of Centos 7, clone of RHEL 7).  To try with the patch you 
 |supplied, I compiled from the 14.9.22 tarball on SL 7.
 |The smtp server responds with ESMTP, but I don't know what program it is 
 |The problem is in the authentication, not the message transmission 
 |itself.  If I set up an ssh tunnel to port 25 on the same server (my 
 |kerberos ticket allows me to do that) and then set 
 |mta=smtp://localhost:<tunnel port>, mail goes through.  My problem with 
 |that solution is that the tunnel doesn't last very long and I have to 
 |keep reconnecting.

I tried with my GSSAPI test bed and i cannot reproduce the issue.
I tried [next] but GSSAPI has not changed for long, so i am a bit
out of ideas, especially given the actual error you mention.
I know i sometimes can force timeouts because the GSSAPI code
seems to use getaddrinfo(3), and the GNU C library will try to
fetch IPv4 and IPv6, and waits to collect the results ...  I maybe
should try to configure this beast.  Well.  Other than that ...
dunno, sorry; i really can send adjacent mails without issue:

  #?0|kent:nail.git$ time (i=0; while :; do echo for stephen, $i |
    MXEXE -A kdc -Ssmtp-config=-allmechs,gssapi \
      -s ubject$i root@localhost;
    echo $?; i=$((i + 1)); [ $i -eq 3 ] && break; done)

  real    0m0.237s
  user    0m0.106s
  sys     0m0.044s
  #?0|kent:nail.git$ time \
    MXEXE -A kdc -S imap-auth=gssapi -Y 'File imap;x'
  s-nail version v14.9.22-175-gc118a4a5c7.  Type `?' for help
  /var/spool/mail/steffen: 0 messages
  No more mail.
  imap://steffen@kdc.localdomain/INBOX: .. [Read-only]
   N    1 To root@localhost     2021-08-17 18:24 /    805 ubject0
   N    2 To root@localhost     2021-08-17 18:24 /    805 ubject1
   N    3 To root@localhost     2021-08-17 18:24 /    805 ubject2

  real    0m0.064s
  user    0m0.038s
  sys     0m0.007s

I am a bit out of ideas now.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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