Hi and good evening Stephen.

Stephen Isard wrote in
 |>|But the continuation doesn't cause a problem for s-nail.  That's the
 |>|server which succeeds.  It's apparently something else that causes
 |>|failures with 8.15.2.
 |> Well i yet have not yet seen a single log that makes sense or
 |> describes what you say.  The only full log i have seen was
 |>  s-nail: >>> AUTH GSSAPI
 |>  ...
 |>  s-nail: >>> SERVER: 334
 |>  ...
 |>  s-nail: GSSAPI error: gss_init_sec_context / An invalid name was
 |>  supplied
 |>  s-nail: GSSAPI error: gss_init_sec_context / Success
 |That is what I get from the problem server with verbose=2 set.  I have 
 |never seen a success from that server with verbose=2 set, so I can't 
 |show you a log of it succeeding.  I do sometimes succeed _without_ 
 |verbose=2, but then there is no log.  That was why I referred to the 
 |uncertainty principle - trying to observe the phenomenon appears 
 |to change it.

This is very strange.  It ... sounds like a timeout problem to me?
How long does this take?

 |I can't think of anything else to say about the problem, so I suggest we 
 |drop it unless/until one of us has a new idea.  I am sure other list 
 |subscribers will be glad.

Well, maybe the best then.  Alpine source code is terrible.
But ring through if something good happens, ok??

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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