Hi Minh!

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 03:15:13PM +1100, Minh Nguyen wrote:
> When I first started re-organizing the publications page, my parsing
> skills were very bad. I didn't want to implement something that parses
> a BibTeX file. Since you raised the issue of parsing BibTeX files, I
> think it's time for me to rethink the problem of automatically
> updating the publications page(s).

There seems to be a few open source python bibtex parser around, like:
https://launchpad.net/pybtex/. Did you get a chance to try them out?
(I haven't so can't recommend any one in particular). Hopefully, they
can make it easy to use bibtex as internal format, which would make
imports/exports easier. If you are lucky, you could even share the
efforts with them for the html generation.

> > What's the rationale for not using a plain bibtex file as internal
> > database format?
> I don't see an optional "url" field in any of the supported entry
> types. The value of the "url" field is a valid URL. The publications
> parser uses this value to markup a publication's title as a link.


url seems to be the standard bibtex field for this, even though it is
indeed ignored my many bibtex style files. So enforcing that bibtex
entries in Sage's database contain an url field seems safe and
sound. Anyway many bibtex entries you find around already contain an
url field, or at least contains that info embedded in the notes field,
as you mentioned.

> Not yet. I take that as a feature request. Just so that the issue is
> tracked somewhere, would you be willing to file a new issue at
> http://bitbucket.org/mvngu/pubparse/?


> > Would it be acceptable to have a separate page, like say:
> >
> >        http://www.sagemath.org/library-publications-sage-combinat.html
> That sounds reasonable to me. Do you want to stick with that name or
> something shorter like this?
> http://www.sagemath.org/library-sage-combinat.html

Whatever feels good to you.

> > Our bibtex file will be publicly accessible via hg. Could it be pulled
> > automatically whenever the sage publication page gets rebuilt?
> Given a URL to the sage-combinat team's BibTeX repository, the
> publications parser could be modified to pull changes from there, and
> does its job of updating the publications page for sage-combinat.


> This might require the help of some code that converts the BibTeX
> file of sage-combinat to pubparse's database format. Even so, I
> imagine that most if not all of the publication entries in the
> generated HTML page won't be linked to online preprints or where one
> could download the papers. One could get around that by using the
> BibTeX field note = {<a-valid-URL>},

I am definitely willing to ensure that all our bibtex entries contain
that information in the url field.

Thanks for your work on that!

Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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