Hi Nicolas!

Just reimplement Crystals.ParentMethods._latex_ to basically do the

      return latex(G)

At this occasion, it could provide some more options to
set_latex_options, like the missing edge labels. And possibly the 0
edges going backward and colors on the edges (I don't have the syntax
under hand, but see the e-mail we had exchanged for your affine
crystal); note that this would introduce a dependency on
graphs_color_by_label-nt.patch, but it should be quick to polish and
get it merged when needed.

Thank you for your comments!

I have now implemented the method

        def latex(self, **options):
            r"""Returns the crystal graph as a latex string. This can be 
            to a file with self.latex_file('filename').


                sage: T = CrystalOfTableaux(['A',2],shape=[1])
                sage: T.latex()
            G.set_latex_options(format="dot2tex", edge_labels = True,
                                edge_options = lambda (u,v,label): 
({"backward":label ==0}), **options)
            return G._latex_()

in /categories/crystals.py. However, I have a question:
How can I now pass along the **options to the view command in this setting?

Before we could do

    sage: K = KirillovReshetikhinCrystal(['A',3,1], 1,1)
    sage: G = K.digraph()
    sage: G.set_latex_options(format = "dot2tex", edge_labels = True, color_by_label = {0:"black", 1:"blue", 
2:"red", 3:"green"}, edge_options = lambda (u,v,label): ({"backward":label ==0}))
    sage: view(G, pdflatex=True, tightpage=True)

So if the user decides to color the edges, how can this be passed on or set 
through view?



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