Anne wrote:

> Do you have the latest version of #10632 since I changed this on Friday
> and made the KR crystal use the new CrystalOfTableaux code instead of a
> tensor product.

Oops, I had overlooked that there is a new version of #10632. With the current
versions of #10732, 10632 and 10485, the only failed tests are the ones
in sage_object.pyx that I mentioned in my other message.

> I tried to input things like shape = [(2*s+1)/2,...] in the KR code, but then
> sage complained. I do not know why. So now I use shape = [s+0.5,...] and I 
> suppose
> this is why the output is with 0.5 instead of 1/2.

If you import QQ from sage.rings.all, then I think you can:

   shapes = [ [i+QQ(1)/QQ(2) for i in sh]+[QQ(1)/QQ(2)]*(r-len(sh)) for sh in 
shapes ]


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