I just realized a strange error after application of #10632.
Viewing Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals themselves works fine.
However, viewing their tensor products is broken after the application
of the patch. Without the patch, this is fine. I am not quite sure,
where this error comes from.




sage: C = KirillovReshetikhinCrystal(['A',2,1],1,1)
sage: T = TensorProductOfCrystals(C,C)
sage: view(T, pdflatex=True, tightpage=True)
NotImplementedError                       Traceback (most recent call last)

console> in <module>()

/Applications/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/misc/latex.pyc in 
view(objects, title, debug, sep, tiny, pdflatex, engine, viewer, tightpage, 
mode, **kwds)
   1823         else:
   1824             latex_options = {}
-> 1825         s = _latex_file_(objects, title=title, sep=sep, tiny=tiny, 
debug=debug, **latex_options)
   1826     # notebook
   1827     if EMBEDDED_MODE and viewer is None:

/Applications/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/misc/latex.pyc in 
_latex_file_(objects, title, debug, sep, tiny, math_left, math_right, 
   1469         for i in range(len(objects)):
   1470             x = objects[i]
-> 1471             L = latex(x)
   1472             if not '\\begin{verbatim}' in L:
   1473                 s += '%s%s%s'%(math_left, L, math_right)

/Applications/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/misc/latex.pyc in 
__call__(self, x)
    711         """
    712         if has_latex_attr(x):
--> 713             return LatexExpr(x._latex_())
    715         try:

 in _latex_(self, **options)
    393             G.set_latex_options(format="dot2tex", edge_labels = True,
    394                                 edge_options = lambda (u,v,label): 
({"backward":label ==0}), **options)
--> 395             return G._latex_()
    397 #         def latex(self):

 in _latex_(self)
    334             \end{tikzpicture}
    335         """
--> 336         return self.latex_options().latex()
    338     def _matrix_(self, R=None):

 in latex(self)
   1314             return self.tkz_picture()
   1315         elif format == "dot2tex":
-> 1316             return self.dot2tex_picture()
   1318     def dot2tex_picture(self):

 in dot2tex_picture(self)
   1350         options = self.__graphlatex_options.copy()
   1351         options.update(self._options)
-> 1352         dotdata = self._graph.graphviz_string(labels="latex", **options)
   1353         import dot2tex
   1354         return dot2tex.dot2tex(

in wrapper(*args, **kwds)
    430                 options['__original_opts'] = kwds
    431             options.update(kwds)
--> 432             return func(*args, **options)

 in graphviz_string(self, **options)
  13726             default_color = None
> 13728         key = self._keys_for_vertices()
  13730         s = '%s {\n' % graph_string

 in _keys_for_vertices(self)
  13387         """
  13388         from sage.graphs.dot2tex_utils import key, key_with_hash
> 13389         if len(set(key(v) for v in self)) < len(self.vertices()):
  13390             # There was a collision in the keys; we include a hash to 
be safe.
  13391             return key_with_hash

 in vertices(self, key, boundary_first)
   7202         """
   7203         if not boundary_first:
-> 7204             return sorted(list(self.vertex_iterator()), key=key)
   7206         bdy_verts = []

 in __lt__(self, other)
    444             if (self[i] < other[i]) == True:
    445                 return True
--> 446             if (self[i] > other[i]) == True:
    447                 return False
    448         return False

in sage.structure.element.Element.__richcmp__ (sage/structure/element.c:7169)()

in sage.structure.element.Element._richcmp (sage/structure/element.c:7078)()

in sage.structure.element.Element._richcmp_c_impl 

in sage.structure.element.Element._cmp_c_impl (sage/structure/element.c:7388)()

NotImplementedError: BUG: sort algorithm for elements of 'Kirillov-Reshetikhin 
crystal of type ['A', 2, 1] with (r,s)=(1,1)' not implemented

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