On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 06:00:50AM -0700, Simon King wrote:
> Thank you! That was what I was looking for.

Indeed, that's one of the first tutorial we run during our
Sage-Combinat days :-)

We really need to get our collection of tutorials in Sage. There are
just some Sphinx technicalities that we need to resolve with Florent.

> Some comments: I would expect that monomial_coefficients() (or better
> a different name that is backwards compatible, see below!) is a
> required  abstract element method of the category of ModulesWithBasis,
> on top of which there is a default implementation of support(),
> monomials(), coefficients(). Is that planned?

Yes, definitely. In MuPAD all of those were in the categories rather
than the specific implementation. It has just not been lifted up yet:


See also the extensive tests in:


> And is it possible to change the names of these methods at this point?
> For example, shouldn't we better use dict() rather than
> monomial_coefficients()? Namely, this is how the corresponding method
> is called for polynomials:
>   sage: P.<a,b,c> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
>   sage: p = (a+b)^2
>   sage: p.dict()
>   {(1, 1, 0): 2, (2, 0, 0): 1, (0, 2, 0): 1}
> And rather than always returning an actual dictionary or list by
> e.dict() resp e.monomial_coefficients() or by e.coefficients(),
> wouldn't it be a good idea to have an iterator e.iter_items(),
> e.iter_coefficients() etc?

I am also in favor of deprecating monomial_coefficients. In fact we do
not necessarily need to replace it with something else, since,
basically as you suggest, one can already do:


Indeed x.__iter__() iterates through the items of x. In fact the idiom
we mostly use is:

    for (i, c) in x:

Now, there is an issue about whether x.__iter__() should iterate
through the items of x (as is the case currently), through the
keys/support of x (as for a dictionary):

    sage: t = {'a':1, 'b':2}
    sage: list(t)
    ['a', 'b']

Or through the values of x (as for FreeModule elements):

    sage: F = FreeModule(QQ,3)
    sage: F.an_element()
    (1, 0, 0)
    sage: list(F.an_element())
    [1, 0, 0]

I could live with using as main idiom:

    for (i,c) in x.items():

or possibly (though conceptually not as nice):

    for (i,c) in x.iteritems():

> Moreover, in the case of a module, I wouldn't use the name "monomial"
> for the basis elements. Is there a better name than "e.monomials()" if
> e is an element of a ModuleWithBasis? Perhaps *this* should be called
> "e.support()", whereas the indices of the support should be named
> "e.support_indices()" or "e.indices_of_support()".

We have a backlog of 10 years of using those conventions; so I'd
rather stick to them as much as possible :-) Besides, it's good to
stay close to the usual conventions for polynomials. Finally, I myself
really consider that the support is made of the elements indexing the
non zero monomials. Very much like the support of a function f: A -> B
consists of the elements of A such that f(B) != 0.

> Is it planned to also have a parent method, say, _element_from_dict_,
> with the property P._element_from_dict_(e.dict())==e for any e in P?
> The default implementation for a ModuleWithBasis could be:
> def _element_from_dict_(self, D):
>     B = self.basis()
>     return self.sum([c*B[m] for m,c in D.iteritems()])


   sage: F = CombinatorialFreeModule(QQ, ZZ)
   sage: F._from_dict
   <bound method CombinatorialFreeModule_with_category._from_dict of Free 
module generated by Integer Ring over Rational Field>

I would be fine making it more official as F.from_dict. See also the
constructors F.sum_of_monomials, F.sum_of_terms,

Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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