On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 08:16:53AM -0700, Daniel Bump wrote:
> When the Dynkin diagram has a nontrivial automorphism (of order
> two except D4), the map alpha -> -w0(alpha) may or not
> coincide with this automorphism.
> Here there is a non-trivial graph automorphism but this
> isn't it. Therefore it seems to me that dynkin_diagram_automorphism
> is not such a good name for this permutation of the indices.

The standard name in the literature for the automorphism (which may be trivial)
induced by -w0 is
"the opposition automorphism"

Best regards,
Jean MICHEL, Equipe des groupes finis, Institut de Mathematiques UMR7586 
Bureau 9D17 tel.(33)157279144, 175, rue du Chevaleret 75013 Paris

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