William Stein wrote:
> I think I know what's going on.
> If you install the Gap optional packages, then reset the
> workspace you get the behavior I see.  If you don't install
> the optional packages you don't.  Thus one of the packages
> changes the print behavior of Gap.
> Indeed, here it is:
> gap> LoadPackage("hap");
> Loading HAP 1.7.5gamma ...
> true
> gap> PolynomialRing(Rationals,2);
> PolynomialRing(..., [ x, x_2 ])
> My solution will be to slightly change gap.py, so it does *not*
> autoload hap into the workspace,  then change the doctests
> back.    Note: In the old gap.py, hap wasn't loaded into the
> workspace automatically -- I thought this was a mistake, but
> evidently the reason is because hap slightly modifies
> how certain things work with gap polynomial rings.  Annoying.

Yes, thanks! It's OK now.


> >> William Stein wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I've released sage-2.8.8.  Get it at http://sagemath.org, as usual,
>>> or just do "sage -upgrade".
> OK, I've pushed this out, so hg_sage.pull() will get you the
> fixed version of gap.py.
> William
> On 10/21/07, Jaap Spies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> William Stein wrote:
>>> On 10/21/07, Jaap Spies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> There seems to be some typos in the test of gap.py
>>> These are not typos.  The behavior of gap-4.4.10 changed from that
>>> of gap-4.4.9, and the doctests reflect that change.  Evidently for
>>> some reason your gap didn't get upgraded.   Try
>>>    sage: !gap
>> This is on a fresh install (but dito with the upgrade):
>> GAP4, Version: 4.4.10 of 02-Oct-2007, i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc
>> gap>
>>> to see what version of gap you now have.
>>> Also, you may need to do
>>>    sage: gap_reset_workspace()
>> That does not help. Same test failures.
>> Jaap
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] sage-2.8.8]$ ./sage -t  
>>>> devel/sage-main/sage/interfaces/gap.py
>>>> sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/interfaces/gap.py             
>>>> **********************************************************************
>>>> File "gap.py", line 69:
>>>>      sage: R = gap.PolynomialRing('Rationals', 2); R
>>>> Expected:
>>>>      PolynomialRing(..., [ x, x_2 ])
>>>> Got:
>>>>      PolynomialRing(..., [ x_1, x_2 ])
>>>> **********************************************************************
>>>> File "gap.py", line 71:
>>>>      sage: I = R.IndeterminatesOfPolynomialRing(); I
>>>> Expected:
>>>>      [ x, x_2 ]
>>>> Got:
>>>>      [ x_1, x_2 ]
>>>> **********************************************************************
>>>> File "gap.py", line 86:
>>>>      sage: f = gap(str(g)); f
>>>> Expected:
>>>>      -x^5+x_2^2
>>>> Got:
>>>>      -x_1^5+x_2^2
>>>> **********************************************************************
>>>> 1 items had failures:
>>>>     3 of  22 in __main__.example_0
>>>> ***Test Failed*** 3 failures.
>>>> For whitespace errors, see the file .doctest_gap.py
>>>>           [2.4 s]
>>>> exit code: 256
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> The following tests failed:
>>>>          sage -t  devel/sage-main/sage/interfaces/gap.py
>>>> Total time for all tests: 2.4 seconds
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] sage-2.8.8]$

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