On 10/21/07, Justin C. Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > gap> LoadPackage("hap");
> > Loading HAP 1.7.5gamma ...
> > true
> > gap> PolynomialRing(Rationals,2);
> > PolynomialRing(..., [ x, x_2 ])
> I see the same problem as others have reported, but I have no
> optional packages installed.  If I run 'gap_console()', and then
> 'LoadPackage("hap");', I get 'failed' as output.

That's because hap is an optional package, and you don't have
it installed.

> 'gap_console()' tells me it's version '4.4.10'.  'gap_reset_workspace
> ()' seems to have no effect on the results.
> This is a fresh install (not upgrade) of 2.8.8 on Mac OS X, 10.4.10,
> Core 2 Duo.

Do a sage -upgrade, and all your problems will be solved.


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