Robert wrote:

>Here is the reduced list of .jar files I was able
> > to achieve a successful build with:
> >
> > Acme.jar         commons-cli-1.0.jar  netscape.jar
> > ant-contrib.jar  itext-1.4.5.jar      vecmath1.2-1.14.jar
> Excellent. Have you been able to build any of these? Perhaps we
> should have a "dependencies" directory at the top level of the spkg
> where we build all these, then copy the jars to the right place.

The idea of a dependences directory sounds good.  I have not tried
building the support jars from source yet, but if you would like me to
I can work on this.

> I think we can save also on build time by not building documentation
> and signed jars.

Not building the documentation is easy to do because the code resides
in its own target.  However, the jar signing code is inside the same
target that builds the jmol jars so it would require modifying the
jmol build.xml file to bypass the jar signing.

So, is it better to just let it sign the jar or to edit the jmol
build.xml file so it bypasses the signing code?


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