On Saturday 19 January 2008, Jason Grout wrote:
> bill.p wrote:
> > Further info: I've retried it a large number of times and it only
> > happens occasionally.
> > It's not related to any particular cell or content as I have seen it
> > on several
> > different cells during this testing.
> > I managed to grab a copy of 'view page source' while it was hung up
> > but can't
> > see anything obvious.
> >
> > I have had no further error messages relating to this in the error
> > console despite
> > several times when it has hung up. I have tried downloading the
> > javascript file
> > which is included (javascript/js.main) but never get anything back.
> > Using view
> > page source only shows the link to it. I tracked down the source of
> > this to
> > find that it is generated 'on-the-fly' by server/js.py which makes it
> > difficult to
> > follow. Does it vary depending on context?
> If you install the web developer addon for firefox (go to
> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/60 and click "install"),
> you can see the *generated* page source (i.e., what you are actually
> seeing, not just what was originally on the page).  Install the addon,
> restart Firefox, and note the additional toolbar.  Under the "View
> Source" option, select "View Generated Source" to see the actual source
> of what you are looking at, whether or not the source was generated on
> the fly or originally was there.
> The web developer toolbar is one of the best things Firefox has going
> for it for web developers.  Other things I've used it for were modifying
> the source or CSS styling of a page and seeing the page update in real
> time, examining the CSS structure of a page just by moving my mouse over
> elements, enabling or disabling features easily, changing the size of my
> browser to simulate smaller screen sizes, and lots of other things.
> The other firefox extension that might be useful here is "Firebug",
> thought I think that at least some of firebug's functionality overlaps
> with web developer.
Thanks for that. It looks really useful. Took me while to find what I
wanted as there are so many facilities provided! All I have to do now is
to get the problem to reproduce!

| Bill Purvis, Amateur Mathematician    |
|  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  |
|  http://bil.members.beeb.net          |

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