>> If that doesn't work, then I'll be really baffled (ok, even more baffled 
>> than I am already).  If it does work, then change the 100 to a 1000 (delay 
>> in miliseconds), and see if it still works.
> Ahah!  Now it works --- I can finally click on "evaluate"!  Thanks very much.
> The critical value seems to be somewhere around 150.  When I set the delay at 
> 150 I found that sometimes cells failed to evaluate (and when it's a 
> previously 
> evaluated cell that you've edited, this can be hugely confusing), but most 
> did. 
> So I've set the delay at 250, and it's working well with both Firefox and 
> Safari.

Ok.  My gut reaction is, "Javascript sucks, I hate it."  But on reflection, a 
design which requires such number-twiddling was probably not the best to begin 
with.  I think I have a better way to manage these links... I should have a 
patch up in a few, if my new idea works.

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