On Thu, 2023-04-27 at 05:12 -0700, kcrisman wrote:
> As an example, how old of a Windows computer could one install the current 
> Sage on? ...
> In any case, it would be very helpful for people who may be actively using 
> Sge in less-resourced environment to chime in here.

My desktop is 19 years old and my laptop is now 15. Switching between
branches can cause 20 hours of recompile time. If I'm lucky and don't
need to use the result, I can cut that in half with -O0. If this were
spent doing something useful, it would be more tolerable, but it's
spent fetching, compiling, and installing packages that are already on
my system. The test suite can take another full day to run -- some of
that is useful, but a lot is not. This is the biggest impediment to the
use and development of sage on an old system.

Upgrading (say) OpenSSL on the system is a sunk cost because it happens
anyway. The only question is whether or not I *also* have to repeatedly
rebuild some highly specific version that sage wants. The problem is
not only the SPKGs, but the way sagelib is designed around them;
eliminating the sage distribution would force us to address those
indirect inefficiencies in addition to immediately eliminating the
direct ones.

(I'm planning upgrades in the next year or two, but it will be to
relatively low power RISC-V hardware. There are moral, legal,
environmental, and other non-financial reasons why people use "old"
hardware. But of course the financial reasons are very real too.)

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