The long test in  which causes problems on this
platform is this:
            sage: E = EllipticCurve('389a')
            sage: for p in prime_range(10000):           #long time (~20s)
            ...       if p != 389:
            ...           G=E.change_ring(GF(p)).abelian_group()

I would like to know if there is something going on there which can be fixed.

Can you test these and see if they work:

            sage: for p in prime_range(10000):
            ...       if p != 389:
            ...           F=GF(p)


            sage: for p in prime_range(10000):
            ...       if p != 389:
            ...           Ep=E.change_ring(GF(p))


            sage: for p in prime_range(10000):
            ...       if p != 389:
            ...           G=E.change_ring(GF(p)).cardinality()



2008/9/21 Georg S. Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Intel MacBook OS X 10.4 / Xcode 2.5 (yes, I upgraded), nothing
> really new for 3.1.3.alpha0:
> builds fine
> make test choked on two of three runs on /modular/abvar/,
> and passed on the third
> make testlong choked on and (the known ones
> from the 3.1.2 cycle)
> The "" doctest takes quite a lot of time, more than 240s ==
> 4 minutes in the best case, test "long" or not "long" making no
> difference (on 2 GHz ...).
> Is that essentially OK?
> Somehow, I still haven't found out under which circumstances exactly,
> OS X uses --- of the two CPU cores of the Core2 Dual --- only one core
> for the (build and) doctests. If so, "" takes well over
> 400s, passes (always, without problem) the "testlong" testsuite, while
> the "short" testsuite throws a "TIMED OUT" failure.
> I didn't look at the code yet, but I guess that for the usual "short"
> testsuite, there is some timeout mechanism enabled, which gets
> disabled for the "long" testsuite. The latter runs only for those
> doctests longer, for which extra "long" doctests are defined, of
> course.
> Essence:
> Should I open a trac ticket for the "modular/abvar/"
> doctest to be changed to be a "long" doctest (i.e. the biggest part of
> it)?
> Or will that probably go away after some more merges of the new
> coercion code? (Again, I didn't look at the code whether this could
> make sense.)
> Cheers,
> gsw
> >

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