On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 6:11 PM, Craig Citro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi John,
>> That is not in itself slow:
>> sage: time pp=pari.primes_up_to_n(10^8)
>> CPU times: user 0.69 s, sys: 0.30 s, total: 1.00 s
>> Wall time: 1.00 s
>> However note that
>> sage: time pp=prime_range(10^8)
>> CPU times: user 143.74 s, sys: 1.51 s, total: 145.26 s
>> Wall time: 145.93 s
>> with all the extra time being spent converting pari integers to Sage ones.
> Actually, it's not the Pari <--> Sage conversion that's slow: the list
> pp is about 6 million entries long, and even for large numbers, we
> have:
> sage: n = pari(10**8)
> sage: %time for _ in range(6000000): foo = ZZ(n)
> CPU times: user 4.40 s, sys: 0.03 s, total: 4.43 s
> Wall time: 4.44 s
> I haven't checked into all the details, but I'm pretty sure that
> what's actually going so slow is iteration over the Pari list! I just
> wrote a few lines of Cython to do this, and here is the timing for the
> same problem above, and it seems to work:
> sage: %time ls = my_prime_range(1,10**8)
> CPU times: user 1.99 s, sys: 0.89 s, total: 2.88 s
> Wall time: 2.89 s
> sage: type(ls[0])
> <type 'sage.rings.integer.Integer'>
> sage: ls[-5:]
> [99999931, 99999941, 99999959, 99999971, 99999989]
> I'm about to eat dinner, but I'll get this cleaned up (and possibly
> start investigating iteration on Pari objects, if I'm right about
> that) tonight. It's shameful that we let it be that slow in the first
> place! :)

Well, we = "me", and it's a good thing I have no shame!

But I'm really glad you guys are fixing this.


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