
often I'd like to "just have a quick look" into a spkg.
Then I copy it, rename it, tell Mac OS X that YES, I do want to rename
and then I can open it with a mouse click, and change into the created
Finally I am able to scan the contents.
It would be nice to be quicker, and with keeping the hand on the mouse
all the time (I'm not a keyboarder).

On the other hand, we already have the naming convention "p0", "p1",
"p2" ... to designate different Sage spkg's made from one and the same
upstream source package.

So I'd like to propose to (re-)name e.g. "polybori-0.5rc.p5.spkg"




depending on whether it is also compressed or only tar'ed.

We would have "numpy-1.2.0.spkg0.tar.bz2", "ntl-5.4.2.spkg4.tar.bz2",
and e.g. "sage-3.2.alpha.spkg1.tar.bz2" instead of
"sage-3.2.alpha1.spkg", "sage-3.2.rc.spkg0.tar.bz2" instead of
"sage-3.2.rc0.spkg", and the like.

This would address points (1) - (3) from Williams post; and there
would be a canonical scheme to designate different spkg's from one and
the same upstream source.
(And it would make perfect sense what the meaning of
"sage-3.1.3.spkg2.tar.bz2" is: the second hotfix to the sage-3.1.3
production version which had to be done even after the "alpha" and
"rc" cycles. Without the need to bump the version to sage-3.1.4, say.)

BTW the only "hard" requirements for the structure of a Sage spkg are
that there is a file "SPKG.txt" in the root directory of the package,
and that Sage is able to figure out how to install the package then.
The code does look for a file "spkg-install", but e.g. only a
"setup.py" is also absolutely fine (for the code, maybe not for


The only problem in parsing and handling the spkg names I see right
now is something like "foo-4711.spkg815.tar.bz2", i.e. a version as
spkg which has more than only one digit. But this shouldn't be a real
problem, either.
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