On Oct 28, 4:32 am, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 28, 2:15 am, Robert Bradshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:


> > I can't quite put my finger on why I have a  
> > strong reaction, but I think it's because  
> > "sage-3.2.alpha.spkg1.tar.bz2" is harder to (visually) parse, and  
> > also it's important to emphasize that an spkg *should* be more  
> > structured than just a folder with a bunch of source files thrown in.  
> > It also allows us to do more in the future if we need/want, and  
> > making them with sage -spkg gives a lot of informative information  
> > (and again, I could see it doing more in the future). A big, fat  
> > README.txt should be explanatory enough for anyone who wants to poke  
> > inside.
> The info is already in the manual.

Is it only in the developer's guide?  I think it could be mentioned in
the tutorial, and definitely should be mentioned in the installation
guide: the installation guide should have some sort of description of
what files get installed where, and some information about those
files.  (I've been planning on changing this for a little while, but
I've been waiting for the Sphinx version of the documentation...)

> > - Robert
> Cheers,
> Michael


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