On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was trying to find if it was discussed before, but didn't find
> anything -- what is your view on spkg dependencies?
> It is not that bad so far, but still I need to remember in which order
> to install all my aditional software, e.g. cmake first, then the
> fortran package, then my wrappers, it'd be convenient if the user
> could just do "sage -i qsnake" and it would do the right thing.

You can toss some "sage -i's" in the beginning of the spkg-install for qsnake.

> Another thing --- I'd like to create some repository with my packages,
> so that people can just "sage -i" install them, without having to
> first wget all the spkg and install them manually. So I thought I
> would get my packages to sage experimental, but is there any procedure
> for that?

A while ago I added a feature so one can do

   sage -i http://url.to.an.spkg/anywhere/on/the/net

and sage will download the spkg and install it.  That might be good for
you so that users do *not* have to use wget (which they might not
have, e.g., it isn't on OS X).

> I know that all of this is reinventing the wheel and basically doing
> what linux distributions are doing, but Sage imho is a distribution --
> a source distribution that runs everywhere and actually compiles ---

We definitely try very hard and it will only keep getting better.


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