I have just received a cease-and-desist letter from the lawyers
(Dewey,Cheetum&Howe) hired by Mathematica. They say they
have a trademark on "Mathematica BS". So that puts an end to
my plans to create a fork.

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 6:21 PM, David Joyner <wdjoy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey, I'm with you there Marshall!
> I am going to create a Mathematica fork of Sage, where everything
> in  Sage will be rewritten in Mathematica. I'll start simple, say with
> the basic commands on group theory and ring theory. Let's see, a name?
> Got it. I'ill call the fork "Mathematica Basic Sage" or "Mathematica
> BS" for short.
> Can I interest anyone in my Mathematica BS?
> On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Marshall Hampton <hampto...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am deeply disappointed in the direction you are proposing.  If you
>> are going to switch languages at this point, it should be to a  more
>> modern language than Lisp.  So I plan on forking the Sage project with
>> a Haskell rewrite.  I think time will tell which is the better choice.
>> I am open to ideas about what a Haskell-based sage should be called.
>> Cheers,
>> Marshll Hampton
>> On Apr 1, 12:59 pm, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> About two years ago we made the painful transition from using Darcs to
>>> Mercurial for our revision control system. This was difficult, but had
>>> to be done because it was hard to get Darcs to run everywhere, and
>>> there were weird corner cases where Darcs would hang.  Mercurial isn't
>>> optimal but it gets the job done.
>>> Frankly, I think we have similar problems using Python at the core of
>>> Sage.   I've been thinking very hard about how to deal with this for
>>> nearly a year now, and have come to the conclusion that we should make
>>> a switch from using Python at the core of Sage to Lisp.  The
>>> transition won't be easy, but it will be well worth the effort, since
>>> in the time frame I have in mind (30 years, say) I see Lisp really
>>> taking off, and despite its faults, anyone who has used Lisp a lot
>>> knows that Lisp is clearly a far better language than Python in
>>> several critical ways.    The strategy for switching will go something
>>> like this:
>>>   1. Forking:  We fork clisp.   We have been using clisp for several
>>> years now in Sage, so we're very familiar with their build system.
>>> However, they don't make regular releases, and their foreign function
>>> interface is severely lacking, as is their Solaris support.  So we're
>>> forking, and will call the fork LispX.  I've talked with Robert
>>> Bradshaw about creating a new language called CylispX, which will be
>>> similar to Cython but for LispX, and I'm confident we can pull this
>>> off.
>>>   2. Porting:  We have an intense sequence if "Lisp days", both
>>> workshops and 1-day long IRC events, where we go line-by-line through
>>> the Sage library and rewrite everything in Lisp.   As we go, we'll
>>> make sure that the rewritten code is always at least as fast as the
>>> original code (this shouldn't be a problem, because of LispX's
>>> extremely good profiling and dynamic optimization features).   I hope
>>> everyone here is willing to pitch in significant time to this effort.
>>> If you're not, I would really like to know what your concerns are.
>>>   3. Polish: I estimate step 2 will take about 3 years, given the
>>> amount of time it took to write the original Sage library, and also
>>> the level of familiarity of most Sage developers with Lisp.  Also, we
>>> will likely run into subtle snags with SageLisp's interface for
>>> calling C functions.   But with everybody's hard work, we'll get
>>> through this.
>>>   4. Sage-4.0: On April 1, 2012, we'll release Sage-4.0, which will be
>>> the complete Lisp-rewritten version of Sage.  We will then get to work
>>> on porting all of the nasty C/C++/Fortran dependencies in Sage to
>>> Lisp.  We'll likely start with GMP/MPIR (we may have to fork, though I
>>> *hope* Bill Hart will be on board), then moving onto mpfr, mpfi,
>>> FLINT, PARI, etc.  I estimate that with lots of hard work by everybody
>>> reading this email, we can accomplish this in at most 4 years.  This
>>> will be a great contribution to mankind.
>>>   5. Finally, on April 1, 2016, we'll release Sage-5.0, the fully
>>> Lisp-ified Sage.  We will then get back to porting Sage to Windows,
>>> Solaris, and implementing new functionality for combinatorics, linear
>>> algebra, number theory, algebraic geometry, optimization, etc.
>>> If anybody isn't 100% convinced that this change isn't -- in the long
>>> run (30 years) -- well worth our effort, please respond.
>>>   -- Best Regards,
>>>       William Stein
>>> --
>>> William Stein
>>> Associate Professor of Mathematics
>>> University of Washingtonhttp://wstein.org
>> >>

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