For some reason, it now seems very difficult to quit the notebook with

^C2009-06-02 07:17:02-0500 [-] Saving notebook...
^C2009-06-02 07:20:20-0500 [-] Saving notebook...

...usually I just have to wait a few seconds.


On Jun 1, 11:32 am, Mike Hansen <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Sage 4.0.1.alpha has been released.  This should hopefully take care of
> the rest of the fallout from the switch to Pynac.  The tarball can be
> found at
> and a copy of it to be used for upgrading can be found at
> Merged in 4.0.1.alpha0:
> #133: David Loeffler: Galois action [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza]
> #4504: Minh Van Nguyen: document Sage's .spkg extension better
> [Reviewed by Georg S. Weber]
> #4575: Jason Grout, Wilfried Huss: Option to show nested lists as html
> tables [Reviewed by Jason Grout, William Stein]
> #4958: Martin Albrecht: MPolynomialIdeal.reduced_basis?? returns
> decorator source [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza]
> #5114: Alex Ghitza: something wrong in the initializer for elements of
> QuaternionAlgebra [Reviewed by David Loeffler]
> #5214: David Joyner: Matrix Group sometimes assumes base ring is a
> field [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza]
> #5430: Kiran Kedlaya: Coleman integrals of differential forms from
> different rings [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw]
> #5716: John Palmieri: lifting a subdivided matrix should preserve the
> subdivision, but doesn't [Reviewed by Jason Grout]
> #5840: Dan Drake: update SageTeX spkg to version 2.1.1 [Reviewed by Jason 
> Grout]
> #5896: Rob Beezer: Limit number of worksheet snapshots [Reviewed by
> Kiran Kedlaya]
> #5916: Wilfried Huss: show mathematica expression using jsmath
> [Reviewed by Jason Grout]
> #5936: Emily Kirkman: result of graph query should be iterable -- make
> more pythonic [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
> #5948: Robert Bradshaw: Coleman integrals of df*f [Reviewed by Jen 
> Balakrishnan]
> #5967: Nicolas Thiery: ElementWrapper: A class for wrapping Sage or
> Python objects as Sage elements [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw, Anne
> Schilling]
> #5979: Nicolas Thiery: Parent: fixes broken (implicit) invariant
> between ._element_constructor and self._element_init_pass_parent
> [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw]
> #5990: John Palmieri: developer's guide: more on .spkg files [Reviewed
> by David Joyner]
> #5995: David Loeffler: Membership testing for modular forms subspaces
> is hopeless [Reviewed by John Cremona]
> #6000: Nicolas Thiery: Sets enumerated by exploring a search space
> with a (lazy) tree or graph structure [Reviewed by Rob Beezer]
> #6016: Soroosh Yazdani: factoring rational functions [Reviewed by Minh
> Van Nguyen, John Cremona]
> #6075: John Palmieri: change Sage Group to Sage Development Team
> [Reviewed by David Joyner]
> #6109: John Cremona: Bring documentation for QQbar up to 100% and add
> to reference manual [Reviewed by David Loeffler]
> #6120: Martin Albrecht: P(0).total_degree() should return -1 for
> multivariate polynomial rings [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza]
> #6122: John Palmieri: strip 'nodetex' from docstrings [Reviewed by Rob Beezer]
> #6141: John Palmieri: simplicial complexes: change 'facets' from an
> attribute to a method [Reviewed by David Perkinson]
> #6157: Jason Grout: enhance implicit_plot3d documentation [Reviewed by
> Alex Ghitza]
> #6158: Mike Hansen: upgrading sphinx problem: any upgrade to sage-4.0
> ends this way [Reviewed by William Stein]
> #6166: John Palmieri: strip 'nodetex' from the reference manual
> [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #6167: Joanna Gaski: add the very useful sloane sequence A000008 (ways
> of making change for n cents) [Reviewed by William Stein]
> #6171: John Palmieri: make 'prec' work with sqrt more of the time
> [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #6172: William Stein: add support for building FAT binaries to mpir
> [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #6173: William Stein: atlas -- change from SAGE_SIMD_MODE to
> SAGE_FAT_BINARY [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #6174: William Stein: Add to README.txt note about the SAGE_FAT_BINARY
> build flag; also update sage-location to use SAGE_FAT_BINARY [Reviewed
> by Mike Hansen]
> --Mike
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