> Can you elaborate on this? What do you mean by 'nicely wraps'? I wrote the
> ClassFunction class that wraps GAP's ClassFunction command, but I'd like to
> know what more could/should be done. I am not a GAP expert so the code
> would definitely benefit from someone more knowledgeable about GAP taking a
> look at it and providing suggestions.


At least for when I tried to use representation theory in finite
groups, I hit bugs like reported here;

Or, you can't compare characters for equality.
For example;

G = AlternatingGroup(4)
# A routine to generate all cyclic subgroups of any groups
cyclicSubgroup = []
for g in G.list():
    K = G.subgroup([g])
    if K not in cyclicSubgroup:

# Induce all characters of cyclic subgroups to A4 and string them
charsOfG = []
for grp in cyclicSubgroup:
    for char in grp.irreducible_characters():
        c = char.induct(H)
        if c not in charsOfG:
            charsOfG += [char.induct(H)]

print [charsOfG[16](g) for g in G.list()]
[6, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0, -2]
print [charsOfG[18](g) for g in G.list()]
[6, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0, -2]

For now, I do something like the following to compare characters.
equal = False
for ch in charsOfG:
     if c.values() == ch.values():
          equal = True
if equal==False:
     charsOfH += [char.induct(H)]
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