On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Tim Lahey<tim.la...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jul 19, 2009, at 12:08 PM, Golam Mortuza Hossain wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have spent considerable amount of time in last one month
>> working with new symbolics. Overall, I am impressed with
>> it.
>> However, my experience with new derivative makes me
>> wonder whether the pynac "fderivative" construct is really
>> worth the efforts!
>> While implementing functional derivative and integration
>> algorithm for generalized function using new symbolics, I
>> have been brought to near a dead end because of new
>> derivative.
>> It....
>> (1) Breaks substitution:
>> Arguments of derivative can't be substituted
>> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6480
> This is a really big problem. I know I need to be able to
> do this all the time.
>> (2) Nightmare for writing integration algorithm:
>> If  h = f(g(x)).diff(x) then integrate(h, x) is trivial.  However, in
>> new symbolics to do so, one needs compute
>> integrate( D[0](f)(g(x, y))*D[0](g)(x, y), x)
>> Let me claim:  Integrating an expression involving new symbolic
>> derivative
>> is at best EQUAL and often MORE computationally EXPENSIVE than its
>> "diff"
>> counterpart.
> It's also a mess.
>> (4) Causes Maxima interface to break:
>> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6376
> Since there are many useful calculus-related routines, that's a problem.
>> (4) Gives mathematically non-sensical results:
>> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6465
> That's more of a problem that it doesn't know about integration, which
> is
> quite annoying.
>> (5) Looses information irrecoverably:
>> From "D[0](f)(x-a)" its not possible to decide whether original
>> variable of differentiation was "x" as in f(x-a).diff(x)  or "a"
>> as in -f(x-a).diff(a). This again affects integration algorithm.
> This is one of the reasons I hate this notation. It may be compact,
> but it hides information that may be useful and makes it difficult to
> unravel.
>> (6) Compact?
>> It is true that this format is sometime compact but consider
>> the counter example:
>> ------
>> sage: f( g(x) + h(x) ).diff(x)
>> (D[0](g)(x) + D[0](h)(x))*D[0](f)(g(x) + h(x))
>> ------
>> In old symbolics it takes less space to print
>> -----
>> sage: f( g(x) + h(x) ).diff(x)
>> diff(f(h(x) + g(x)), x, 1)
>> -----
> The first appears to be an expansion. I'd much rather see the second.
>> (7) Printing issues:
>> We are still debating on this in separate thread.
> I need to have standard partial derivative notation as an option at
> least
> in LaTeX form. There is no way I'm going to re-write the from this
> notation
> to standard notation hundreds of equations.
> I've basically stopped working with Sage because of this notation. I
> can see
> what's going on much simpler with something like
> \left.\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}(x,y)\right_{x=x-a}
> than the equivalent in the D notation. Sure, it isn't as compact, but
> from long
> experience, I know exactly what it means. More importantly, my
> supervisor and my
> committee members know what it means. I thought there was going to be an
> option of not using the D notation?
> Note that I've been discussing specifically the LaTeX output. That's
> what's most
> important for me, but I'd prefer using notation that's consistent.
> This D notation
> may be internally consistent, but it doesn't work with the rest of Sage.
>> My question now is it really worth solving all of the
>> above issue to keep working with fderivative of pynac?
>> Or should we just restore old "diff" by simply sub-classing it
>> from SFunction like what is being done  for "integration"
>> and others?

At first glance doing this sounds like a really good idea.  How hard
would it be for you to make a mock-up prototype of this to more
clearly demonstrate it?   I'm definitely not opposed.


>> Cheers,
>> Golam
> Also, Maple has a useful feature of letting you present partial
> derivatives in
> the form f,x,x,x for a triple partial derivative with respect to x.
> Note the variables
> of f aren't show. They're implicit. However, this is just a nice
> display feature, but they
> do have a similar input feature. See PDETools and DETools.
> Like I said above, this D notation has basically guaranteed I won't
> use Sage
> for my work.
> Cheers,
> Tim.
> ---
> Tim Lahey
> PhD Candidate, Systems Design Engineering
> University of Waterloo
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/timlahey
> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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