
On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 3:11 PM, William Stein<wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Or should we just restore old "diff" by simply sub-classing it
>>> from SFunction like what is being done  for "integration"
>>> and others?
> At first glance doing this sounds like a really good idea.  How hard
> would it be for you to make a mock-up prototype of this to more
> clearly demonstrate it?   I'm definitely not opposed.

OK, here is a prototype implementation.

This is based on the principle that we stop applying chain rule
when we hit a symbolic function and whose derivative isn't defined
in sage/pynac.

These are the output from my sage console
sage: f(x) = function('f',x)

sage: f(x).diff(x)
diff(f(x), x, 1)

sage: f(x).diff(x,2)
diff(f(x), x, 2)

sage: sin(cos(f(x))).diff(x)
-sin(f(x))*cos(cos(f(x)))*diff(f(x), x, 1)

sage: f(sin(x)).diff(x)
diff(f(sin(x)), x, 1)

I have done three things:

(1) Defined a symbolic derivative wrapper SFunction (attached).
Frankly, this is not much different than:   diff = function('diff')

(2) Added a small wrapper cython function in symbolic/pynac.pyx as

cdef public object py_derivative(unsigned id, object var, object args) except +:
    cdef SFunction func = get_sfunction_from_serial(id)
    assert(func is not None)
    from sage.symbolic.derivative import newdiff
    return newdiff(func(*args), var)

(3) Added a condition in "function.cpp" in pynac such that it calls
 "py_derivative" instead of applying chain rule when it hits
a symbolic function and whose derivative function is not defined.

  // No derivative defined? Then dont apply chain rule
        if (opt.derivative_f == NULL) {
            // convert seq to a PyTuple of Expressions
            PyObject* args = exvector_to_PyTuple(seq);
            PyObject* dvar = ex_to_pyExpression(s);
            PyObject* pyresult = py_derivative(serial, dvar, args);
            if (!pyresult) {
python function raised exception"));
            // convert output Expression to an ex
            ex result = pyExpression_to_ex(pyresult);
            if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
python function (pyExpression_to_ex) raised exception"));
            return result;

Notes: This is not the fastest implementation but my current priority
is to get my work done even if it takes bit longer rather than not
able to do at all.


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Symbolic Derivative
from sage.symbolic.function import SFunction, sfunctions_funcs

class SymbolicDerivative(SFunction):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):

        kwds['built_in_function'] = True
        for name in sfunctions_funcs:
            if hasattr(self, "_%s_"%name):
                kwds['%s_func'%name] = getattr(self, "_%s_"%name)

        SFunction.__init__(self, "diff", *args, **kwds)

    def _eval_(self, *args, **kwds):
        Returns the results of symbolic evaluation 
        # Two arguments comes only from pynac call. Others are
        # self call.
        if len(args) != 2:
            return None
        f = args[0]
        x = args[1]
        if x not in f.args():
            return 0 
        if f.operator() == newdiff:
            nargs = list(f.operands())
            new_var = True
            n = len(nargs)
            for j in range(1,n,2):
                if x == nargs[j]:
                    nargs[j+1] =  nargs[j+1] + 1
                    new_var = False
            if new_var:
            return self.__call__(*nargs)
        return self.__call__(f, x, 1)

newdiff = SymbolicDerivative()

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