On Aug 13, 12:37 pm, Jason Grout <jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:

> Could the units package could use standard Sage interval arithmetic in
> order to automatically propagate errors?  Of course, larger errors could
> be propagated too, if the numbers were specified as Sage interval objects.
> Jason

I'd have to look at the interval package.  I suspect not because
random errors are not additive.  They are usually propagated as sqrt
({dF/dx}^2{err(x)}^2 + {dF/dy}^2{err(y)}^2 +...), where F is a
function of x, y, ....

This is very easy to implement in SAGE.  As I said, I've written a
small function that does this and can show all the intermediate steps
at user request.  I always make my students show me they can do it by
hand (or manually using SAGE).  Once they do that I provide them with
the function.

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