On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 1:42 PM, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Oct 12, 4:00 pm, mhampton <hampto...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> As far as I know, we are not planning on having a booth this year in
>> SF.


>> Are there going to be any official Sage-related activities?

No, I don't think there will be any.   This is definitely by choice of
the AMS though, since we put substantial effort and thought into an
AMS minicourse proposal, but it was rejected.

<rant> It is no surprise "the AMS" has not produced something like
Sage for mathematics already.    They are very good at organizing as a
professional society, and also quite mature at publication of journals
and books.    And they have done a superb job supporting software
related to publication (e.g., Latex).  But I think the AMS's real
contributions to mathematical software so far have been essentially
nil.    Maybe this will change someday, but I'm not holding my breath
waiting.   (And of course I realize that "they" is partly us, since
many of us are AMS/MAA members.)   The situation with the MAA is
similar.  </rant>

> Depends on what you mean by official.  I am giving two teaching-
> related talks on interactive things I have done with Sage, and one
> research talk on the results of what I talked at the last JMM about,
> though I will not be emphasizing Sage per se in any of them.  I
> wouldn't be surprised if there were others.  But I don't think
> anyone's talked about this.

I'm giving a little 15-minute talk in some number theory thing, probably.

Maybe we should throw together a Sage Days-style coding sprint?   Sage
Days 18.5.  We would just need a list of all Sage developers at the
meeting, and to organize a meeting location and schedule for coding
sprints.   It would probably be best to do this unofficially, because
the second you ask for a room big costs, complications, and
bureaucracy appear.

> I'm cc:ing this to sage-edu as well, in case someone there has any
> comments and misses this post.
>> I am definitely attending, and I was thinking that it might be useful
>> if Sage users and developers gave out Sage business cards during any
>> appropriate opportunities.  At last year's booth I think all or nearly
>> all of the 200 business cards I brought were taken.  Last year's
>> design is still up at:
>> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mhampton/designs/bcard5.pdf
>> If it sounds like a good idea, I am happy to print up a bunch of that
>> or a new design and I can distribute them at the meeting.  I think
>> having sagenb.org on there was crucial for making it easy for people
>> to give it a try.
> I think that would be very helpful.  Having a table when there isn't a
> critical mass of Sage folks there would be very difficult, but having
> some cards to hand out after talks would be great.

Having a table also cost about $800, which is another problem. An
advantage though to getting a table is that you don't have to pay
anything extra to register for the conference, so if 3 people are
table managers the table can nearly pay for itself.  It's probably too
late at this point though, and running a table is a ton of work.

The business cards are gorgeous, by the way.  I want some to hand out.


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