On Oct 13, 2009, at 12:29 PM, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:

>       Dear Anne, Dan, William, Florent, Jason, ...
> On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 09:10:24AM -0700, Daniel Bump wrote:
>>> The next Sage version will be 4.2.  Send me a list of technical
>>> patches with positive review related to categories, and they can be
>>> the *first* to go in.  I also see 4.2 as being a relatively quick
>>> release (compared to the extremely long 4.1.2).
> See the top of: http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/wiki/CategoriesRoadMap
>> Is it possible to conjecture a timetable for the root system
>> patch (#4326)?
> Given how wrong my previous conjecture has been, I am reluctant saying
> anything, though I am finally quite hopeful. If the category patches
> indeed get reviewed quickly, we can give it a strong push to get the
> second batch of patches in as well for 4.2

Assuming none of the remaining involves messy pickling and hacking the  
source code of Python itself, I imagine things will move much quicker  
now :)

- Robert

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