On Aug 28, 5:02 pm, John H Palmieri <jhpalmier...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >  - Are there (useful) cases where the direct product of a subcategory
> >    of Sets does not coincide with the cartesian product on the
> >    underlying sets?
> Not that I can think of right now.

The category of schemes. Not really a subcategory of sets, but even
forgetting the algebraic part, the point set of a product scheme is
not the cartesian product of the corresponding point sets.

> >  - There could be some ambiguity for tensor product which is often
> >    used as an alias for cartesian product for graphs, crystals, ...
> >    But those are not subcategories of VectorSpaces/Modules. So it
> >    would not be an issue to have a similar alias in Sage.
> That sounds okay to me.

The ambiguity here comes because the cartesian product for graphs, etc
gives these categories a monoidal structure, as does the tensor
product in the category of vector spaces. This "categorical tensor
product" does not need to be either a categorical product nor a
coproduct (but sometimes it is).

> I think that "cartesian_product" is a good, unambiguous (I think) name
> for the set construction. "direct_sum" and "direct_product" are maybe
> okay, while definitely "coproduct" and possibly "product" should be
> reserved for the category-level operation.

I would say that each category has its own operations defined with the
usual name, eg cartesian_product for sets or vector spaces,
direct_product for groups, monoids or algebras, and so on, the
"category level operations" should be consistently named (product,
coproduct, limit, colimit, ...) and mapped to whatever the
corresponding construction is in each particular category.

Back to the original problem, "direct_sum" should be defined for
vector spaces, but not for algebras, or if defined for algebras
through coercion, then return a vector space, and not an algebra.


PS: Yes, yes, I'll do the reviews. Busy right now finishing a paper
with deadline (sunday). Will focus on this as soon as I am done.
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