One of the main point I took into account was the necessity of not
adding a significant amount of work to the community, actually.
Basically, my only point was aimed to take advantage of something that
I think we already have, but that we don't value enough right now.
As I see it, I think that it could probably be a good idea to slightly
change the download page, as the user is provided the choice of which
version of Sage to download: either the Sage "current release" which
provides all the exciting new features, constantly updated, or the
Sage "conservative release", which is somehow poorer in terms of
features, but it's more polished in the corners of what is in it. If,
as I understood it (I might be wrong), this kind of releases already
take place once in a while (which I think, make a lot of sense), it is
just a matter of underline them and make them available for a little
longer, and contemporary to the other current releases which happen in
the meantime.
I think that out there there are a lot of people which would consider
VERY useful to get a slightly older software, but with increased
stability and reliability, and I don't think there's something wrong
with it. I think that in this way a lot of people could join the
community, and help as well, without the need of being very active
developers at the same time; that would allow this kind of people to
use Sage for their current work (because they can access to a very
reliable release), and provide something back in the long term (as you
know, it's very easy to become addicted!).
I don't even think the "conservative" should be considered Long Term
Support releases (in the sense that we should backport all the bug
fixing to those releases); I know that also "conservative" releases
can have bugs, but this doesn't mean we have to fix'em all with the
consequence of slowing down the development. Do you think it would be
so much overhead to check if the upgrade from the previous
"conservative" release to the next one works correctly? Shouldn't it
come almost directly from checking the working upgrade of every single
current version?

Best regards


On 25 Ott, 15:48, William Stein <> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 10:17 PM, Robert Bradshaw
> <> wrote:
> > On Oct 24, 2009, at 7:10 PM, Jason Grout wrote:
> >> mhampton wrote:
> >>> One thing that was mentioned on another thread is that the version
> >>> number for sage-4.1.2 was quite misleading.  It would help a lot if
> >>> the version numbers were more grounded in reality.  One simple change
> >>> might be to not pick the version number until a final release has
> >>> been
> >>> decided on.  Perhaps we could call the next release "sage-next" until
> >>> it is finalized.
> >> +1
> > +1 from me too.
> -1 from me, from both a social and technical perspective.
> 1. Technical: It will be a huge amount of work and introduce all kinds
> of bugs (technically) if we call the next release "sage-next" instead
> of what it will actually be, and I suspect it will be confusing
> (socially) as well.    As just one example, if you were to upgrade
> Sage from version 4.1.2 to version "next", then upgrading to version
> 4.2 from "next" would be completely broken.
> 2. Social:  It is very common for trac comments, comments in source
> code, discussion in email, etc., to have references such as "this
> fixes a problem in sage-x.y.z.alpha2", or "this was merged into
> sage-x.y.z.alpha3", or "we fixed this in sage-x.y.z.alpha1 so expect
> to see this in sage-x.y.z when it is released".  There are hundreds of
> such comments connected with every single release.  All such comments
> become meaningless if x.y.z is replaced by "next".
> Neither of these problems is insurmountable.  But I don't have the
> time or inclination myself to surmount them.
>  -- William
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