William Stein wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 10:17 PM, Robert Bradshaw
> <rober...@math.washington.edu> wrote:
>> On Oct 24, 2009, at 7:10 PM, Jason Grout wrote:
>>> mhampton wrote:
>>>> One thing that was mentioned on another thread is that the version
>>>> number for sage-4.1.2 was quite misleading.  It would help a lot if
>>>> the version numbers were more grounded in reality.  One simple change
>>>> might be to not pick the version number until a final release has
>>>> been
>>>> decided on.  Perhaps we could call the next release "sage-next" until
>>>> it is finalized.
>>> +1
>> +1 from me too.
> -1 from me, from both a social and technical perspective.
> 1. Technical: It will be a huge amount of work and introduce all kinds
> of bugs (technically) if we call the next release "sage-next" instead
> of what it will actually be, and I suspect it will be confusing
> (socially) as well.    As just one example, if you were to upgrade
> Sage from version 4.1.2 to version "next", then upgrading to version
> 4.2 from "next" would be completely broken.
> 2. Social:  It is very common for trac comments, comments in source
> code, discussion in email, etc., to have references such as "this
> fixes a problem in sage-x.y.z.alpha2", or "this was merged into
> sage-x.y.z.alpha3", or "we fixed this in sage-x.y.z.alpha1 so expect
> to see this in sage-x.y.z when it is released".  There are hundreds of
> such comments connected with every single release.  All such comments
> become meaningless if x.y.z is replaced by "next".
> Neither of these problems is insurmountable.  But I don't have the
> time or inclination myself to surmount them.

So it sounds like the main problem is that the name "sage-next" would 
apply to lots of different releases.  How about making it more specific, 
like "sage-4.1.2-next"?


Jason Grout

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